Monday, July 07, 2014

Bushey Festival

Bushey is covered in bunting and looking glam.  There is an open gardens tour in our neighbourhood and every garden is looking excellent.  There was a garden party down at the rose garden in the cloisters today with a brass band, a fun run, tea and cakes and that kind of thing.  It was all very civilized and english.  We have been enjoying some excellent summer weather so it was about time we finally took ourselves out on the Merry Hill trail.  Here are a few pictures from blooming Bushey.

These lovely fox gloves grove in our driveway!

The entrance to the duck pond

Neil lounging in the freshly cut grass

The Merry Hill trail



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the last picture (the others were total crap, btw) and you should make it your profile pic fb, or delete it, I don't really care) and it seems like you had an acceptable time.
