Thursday, February 28, 2013

Chick Cam!

The chicks have arrived.  We got 11 eggs and they are all popping out of their shells at a rate of naughts!  We all bet on which on would hatch first and the neighbour of the egg I choose made the first appears.  Lazy egg #7 could be bothered until this morning.  We can watch them live 24 hours a day on the Chick Cam.  Have a look:

They will be in thier hatching box until they are done eating whatever gross crap is inside their egg shell that they are meant to eat.  Then they will be liberated to a bigger box and get some serious attention from the kids.  They can bare stay their their lessons, knowing that these chicks are out in the hallway.  There are countless requests to go to the toilet every lesson!


Anonymous said...

please take some pics of the chicks and update this this post. The world wants to see them.

Anonymous said...

Hey April - Good post thanks for the update....
We (Karie) did a cake for Bell'a birthday and we found this really neat to work with - marshmallow fondant.
I large bag of marshmallows melted in the microwave and i 1kg bag of icing or confectioners sugar I think over there. Then you colour it to whatever colour and it shapes like play dough - very cool and makes anything look fabulous!
Have fun - Aunt Michele