Saturday, August 10, 2013

Home Sweet Home

We are now a month or two into our delightful new home.  I love it more and more even though as I walk through it I can see every fault that I didn't notice while viewing it.  I am pretty sure that is a common experience.  It is all fine though.  Nothing major is wrong with it, just cosmetic stuff that we will put right over time.  Thank you to everyone who has sent us lovely house warming cards and gifts.  Thanks to Uncle Bob and Aunt Jess for their help in buying our lovely BBQ and Nana and Grandad for help with new sheet sets.  Mom and Dad send continued support in the form of M&S gift cards!  It has made a huge different as well.  I can't wait until they see the place. 

We have some great neighbours but we only seem in interact with them in the most awkward of circumstances.  They were so kind about it.e only seem in interact with them in the most awkward of circumstances.  On moving day, little Tracy cat decided to disappear.  I couldn't believe that she ran away because she is very nervous and doesn't really wander away from Neil.  We searched the neighbourhood, shaking treats and asking around to see if anyone could find her.  We found her under the oven in the house where she had been for the entire day apparently.  Our lovely neighbours looked for her though, unaware that we had found her.  They found another small (angry) black and white cat and brought it to us. We thought about accepting it when they knocked on our door with this new angry cat but decided to just admit that we had already found her.

Our neighbours on the other side are equally lovely.  Today, disaster struck as I tried to drop a can into the recycling bin.  I had just got out of the shower and was not properly attired but I just had to reach out the front door and drop the can in the bin so I thought I would risk it.  As the door slammed shut behind me due to a gush of wind, the enormity of my problem became clear to me.  I was locked out of the house and Taylor had gone away for the weekend to a wedding up north.  I weighed up what to do for a while and eventually forced myself to knock on the neighbours door in tshirt and towel.  They were not home.  I dragged their bin to my back gate and tried to climb up on it and unlock the back gate to get through the open patio door.  Alas, their car pulled into their driveway just as I was attempting an unsuccessful vault.  They agreed to give me a ladder and some privacy to clamber over the fence and get back in.  They also shushed their young children who were asking why any of this was happening repeatedly.   The climb over was immodest at best but I got back in the house.  I put my keys around my neck and dressed properly to return their ladder.  Cringe!  They are very nice people though so they said it could happen to anyone.  I suspect though, that this could only happen to me!

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